Indiana Democrats Admit They Have No Principles

In response to criticism that several local Democratic candidates took money from gay rights organizations in Indiana, and then came out with policy stances against gay rights during the election, Indiana Democratic Party Chairman Kip Tew had this to say:

“The race was about winning. I will not allow us to go down without a fight, nor will I allow us to take a stand on principle that will cause us to go backwards and diminish our chance for success for many years.”

Interesting. If the race is about winning, and not about having a set of principles, then how the hell are Democrats different than Republicans? And what’s the point of running at all?

Fuck you, Kip Tew. And that “democratic” horse you rode in on.

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Sodomy Laws

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court struck down a ban on gay sex Thursday, ruling that the law was an unconstitutional violation of privacy.

The 6-3 ruling reverses course from a ruling 17 years ago that states could punish homosexuals for what such laws historically called deviant sex.

Laws forbidding homosexual sex, once universal, now are rare. Those on the books are rarely enforced but underpin other kinds of discrimination, lawyers for two Texas men had argued to the court.

The men “are entitled to respect for their private lives,” Kennedy wrote.

The first March on Washington on October 11, 1987 was in protest of the Supreme Court upholding a similar law in Georgia. That was just after I came out, and was the first big gay rights event I went to. I was still in college at Ball State, and it was one of the most cathartic events of my life.

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